Human Resources Strategies and Training
COORDINA, aware of the importance of people in organizations, through its extensive experience in this area of work, facilitates the incorporation of the strategic perspective of Human Resources in organizations with a clear purpose: to improve personal and professional development of people, so that the organizations in which they work achieve the desired objectives and results.

Human Resources Strategies
We help the organizations with which we work to define, design, implement and evaluate their Human Resources strategy in a manner aligned with the Organizational Strategy.
We seek to provide value by facilitating, from a global perspective, the design of human resources objectives consistent with the strategic objectives of the organization, while implementing this strategy through the development of policies, procedures and tools from the management by processes perspective that allow organizations to advance in a philosophy of continuous improvement and transparency that helps them achieve the expected results.

Management by Competences
COORDINA facilitates the development and implementation of Competency Management systems or Comprehensive Human Resources Management systems that allow organizations to achieve the desired organizational results through the identification, development, evaluation and improvement of competencies (knowledge , skills and attitudes) of the people who work in them.
El trabajo sobre las competencias definidas, permite el desarrollo de todas las políticas de Recursos Humanos (captación, capacitación, compensación y soporte) que toman las competencias como eje vertebrador de las mismas.

COORDINA has extensive experience in the design, development, implementation and evaluation of training programs and activities, with the aim that the people who are trained can transfer the knowledge, skills and attitudes learned to their job.
Outdoor training is a training methodology that aims to facilitate learning based on observing, thinking, doing and feeling things (experiential learning), while acquiring knowledge, working and developing skills, or attitudes and values are mobilized.
From COORDINA, we collaborate with the organizations facilitating the development of competences through the training based on experience or Outdoor Training.

Equal Opportunities Plans Between Men and Women
The principle of equality of opportunities at work through the development and implementation of Equality Plans is one of the subjects that has evolved the most in the organizational world in recent times.
The benefits of the implementation of this series of measures in organizations are evident, an improvement of business results together with the improvement of life and work conditions (conciliation, motivation …) of the people who work in them.
COORDINA has extensive experience in the development of Equality Plans, as well as in obtaining external recognition (equality badges).